Arundel CofE Primary School

Academic Results

Look at the performance data about our school on the Department for Education Compare Schools site

We remain a restlessly ambitious organisation. There is no complacency. So we will be aiming very high for the children, as we always do, during the 2024–25 academic year.

 Key Stage 2 (end of Yr 6) SATs results 

No end of key stage SATs assessments took place at the end of the academic years 2021 and 2020, due to the Covid-19 pandemic and subsequent restrictions.

Key Stage 2 Standard Attainment Tests are taken by Year 6 pupils in May each year. Our children’s performance for each of the last five years, along with a five year average is here.

Data link

Highlights in 2024 will be made available as soon as the DfE provides access. Meanwhile...

Highlights in 2023  for Key Stage 2

We are nationally in the top:

  • 20% for pupils achieving the reading, writing and mathematics expected standard,
  • 22% for achieving the expected standard in Mathematics,
  • 29% for reading progress
  • 13% for pupils gaining expected standard in reading

Key Stage 1 (end of Yr 2) SATs results

Data link

Highlights in 2024 for Key Stage 1 

We are nationally in the top: 

3% for children reaching expected standard in reading, writing and mathematics


Year 1 (aged 6): phonics screening

No end of key stage SATs assessments took place at the end of the academic years 2021 and 2020, due to the Covid-19 pandemic and subsequent restrictions.

At the end of Year 1, pupils are tested on their ability to match sounds with letters. This assessment is known as the Phonics Screening. ‘Sounding out words’ using phonological awareness and understanding of sound-letter correspondence is a key early reading skill. Using phonology is seen as a most important starting point.

Data link


Early Year Foundation Stage (EYFS)

No end of key stage SATs assessments took place at the end of the academic years 2021 and 2020, due to the Covid-19 pandemic and subsequent restrictions.

Data link

Multiplication Times Table check 

What is the Year 4 Times Tables Test?
The Year 4 Times Tables Test, known by the government and schools as the Year 4 Multiplication Tables Check (MTC), is an annual check to see if Year 4 pupils in England and Wales have a good level of times tables knowledge.  Primary-school children are expected to know all their times tables up to 12x12. Under the current National Curriculum, children are supposed to know their times tables by the end of Year 4.
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